
St Jude's Community

ST JUDE'S Ministries


“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need” (Hebrews 4:16) 

Why do we pray? 

As Christians, we pray to God our Heavenly Father who listens to us and is willing and able to answer our prayers. He’s made it possible for us to approach him because in Christ’s death and resurrection, we are no longer separated from God. We depend on God in prayer for everything and He longs to give us good things (Matt 7:7-11). 

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer”- Romans 12:12  

How do we pray? 

As we listen to God’s Words speaking to us in the Bible, we speak back to him in prayer. We pray prayers of praise to God, thankfulness, confession, and ask God all kinds of requests. We don’t need to be in a church building, a special location, or the ‘right’ environment. We can just speak out aloud or silently within our minds to God. 

What does prayer look like at St Jude’s? 

Many of our members pray each day in their homes. We pray in our Connect Groups, in conversations with each other through the week, and in our Church Services. We also have times when we meet as a church to pray about events, ministries, and needs within the life of St Jude’s.  

Praying for our community and missionaries 

Each week in our church services we pray for the missionaries and ministries we support and are connected with. We also pray in our services for particular members of our St Jude’s family who have asked for prayer - be it due to physical or mental health challenges, facing grief, or other struggles. At other times, congregation members request only for the ministry team to pray for them. We seek permission from individuals before we pray for them publicly in our church services. 

Would you like to request prayer?  

If you would like the ministry staff to pray for you then send through your request using the contact form.


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